Sapphire Centre

6 Reasons Why Offline Shopping Is Better Than Online Shopping

As technology develops and more and more of our life becomes online, there has been an increase in online shopping as well. These days, people are buying groceries, clothes, medicines, food, and more online. Despite its pros, online shopping has its fair share of disadvantages. Today we will discuss the various reasons you should get back to shopping offline!

1 Online shopping takes away from the joy of offline shopping:

For years now, before everything went online, people took great joy in the process of shopping in stores. They would go with their loved ones and sometimes the shopping trip is paired with getting food after or perhaps watching a movie all of which are great ways to bond with and spend quality time with our loved ones while also getting necessary shopping done! With online shopping, it’s mostly a solo activity and people just scroll through shopping websites and shop without really taking the time to enjoy this relatively shallow experience. Do you recall how happy you were after making a purchase at a physical store? There is no emotion like it. The little advantages of traditional buying are being overshadowed by online shopping. As opposed to putting on dresses, taking a photo, and following our best friend’s advice, we research things online and consider how they could appear on us. Where is the joy in that?

2 There is no need to wait for the delivery of your package:

When you shop online, you pick your items then head to checkout, and then you need to wait for a few days to get your package delivered to you. This hassle is not there with offline shopping you pay for your purchase and boom zap! You can happily head home with it and use it the very same day! When shopping offline, you browse dresses, choose your favourites, try them on, select the best ones, and then buy them before leaving happy with your purchases. In contrast, when shopping online, you may explore the dresses, add the ones you want to your cart, decide whether they would look well on you, make the purchase, and then wait for delivery to your house. In essence, online buying eliminates the pleasure of walking home with shopping bags.

3 You can actually try, test, and experience the product:

Online reviews of products do not really do justice to the customer as reviews of other people can only get you so far. Your wants, needs and expectations could be different and perhaps a product that suited others does not suit you, this is why being able to test, try and experience the product before purchasing is crucial to ensuring you made a good purchase! This is something you can only have when you shop offline where you can see if the product really is for you and is worth the investment. Online shoppers will concur that occasionally they receive products that are either too big or too little for them. Occasionally, the colour of the dress in the product photograph may not exactly match the one that was delivered. You can be certain of the size, colour, flaws, etc. when you buy things from an offline store. 

4 Assistance and recommendations from sales staff:

Sometimes when you are shopping for an outfit, you could really use the recommendation of a third person when you do not know if something looks good on you or not. You do not have this luxury when you shop online but if you are shopping offline, the sales staff are always happy to lend you a hand in picking the best outfit for you and making the right choice when you are confused. Sales staff in stores usually also have a fair idea on the latest trends and how a particular style would look on a particular body type etc, So you can be assured that you are in good hands! Don’t you just love it when a salesperson chooses a few dresses or shirts and says how great they would look on you? Not to mention the instances when salespeople went above and beyond to make sure you had a pleasant shopping experience when we really needed their advice. You need a human to recommend the appropriate clothing, shoe, or accessory, starting with the dress’ size and moving on to understanding your personal fashion tastes.

5 You can shop offline for immediate purchases:

Perhaps you have run into an emergency, maybe even a fashion emergency! You have an event coming up that you completely forgot about and now you don’t have an outfit or time to dilly-dally! In situations like this, you can always trust the local mall and offline stores to help. You get your clothes immediately, you can try them before purchasing, it is certainly a win-win! Even if you need to hurry and pick up a gift for an unexpected birthday party, offline stores have you covered!

6 Assurance of quality:

When you shop offline, you can look at and feel the product, you can inspect its quality, and ensure you are making a worthy purchase. When you shop online, you just have to trust the seller and so many times people have been scammed and gotten goods of inferior quality! 

Shop at Vaishnavi Sapphire Centre and have the best retail experience malls can offer! Housing multiple amazing stores and a mouth-watering food court, we have you covered! 


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